integrated marketing communication (imc)中文什么意思

发音:   用"integrated marketing communication (imc)"造句
  • integrated:    adj. 完整的,完全的。 an i ...
  • marketing:    n. 1.商品销售业务。 2.商品自 ...
  • communication:    n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书 ...
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  1. This paper is a marketing case study of enterprises " integrated marketing communications ( imc ) and its positive role on brand image upgrading
  2. Since 1990 , the integrated marketing communications ( imc ) have already become a current trend in the advertisement field and become a powerful weapon for advertisers to ensure successful marketing
  3. The communicative technology which is represented by the net of computer causes the birth of integrated marketing communication ( imc ) , and its prompt and further development . this article studies and analyses the theory of the imc during the analyzing process , the marketing theory and its studying method are the trunk while the sociology , psychology and dispersion , are also mentioned
  4. As a new breakthrough in economics and communications theory , the integrated marketing communications ( imc ) has had a significant impact on enterprise marketing initiatives and the advertisement and communications behavior of advertisement agent company , therefore , doing some academic research on this new theory will be quite necessary . the people managed enterprises develop really quickly , and they become more and more important in our country
    Imc即( integratedmarketingcommunications ) ,即整合营销传播。整合营销传播学说的出现是经济学和传播学在理论上的又一突破,它对企业的市场营销活动和广告代理公司的广告传播行为都产生了深远地影响,既然整合营销传播具有如此巨大的影响作用,那么对整合营销传播作一些理论上的探讨就很有必要。


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